Criminal Defence

As criminal defence lawyers, we have  provided representation for very high profile criminal cases. Our solicitors are experienced in handling all types of criminal cases from theft and possession of cannabis to fraud and Murder.

We offer a 24 hour Criminal Defence Service providing representation at the police station and advocacy, at both the magistrates’ court and crown courts, for our clients who find themselves subject to criminal proceedings .

Representation at the police station is free. We would always recommend that if you have been arrested that you should have a solicitor present at the police interview. Our 24 hour Criminal defence service number is 07950 046 639

If you have been charged with an offence, we can represent you under the legal aid scheme, if you are eligible. This is available to clients who meet two criteria:

  1. The Court must consider whether your case is sufficiently serious for you to require the representation and advice of a lawyer.
  2. The Court will consider your means taking into account your income, your partner’s income, and your dependents and your outgoings.

If you are eligible you will be granted a representation order (Legal Aid).

If you are not eligible for legal aid we can represent you privately, click below for a callback or to email us

We also provide advice and assistance on motoring offences.

57 Goodmayes Road
Goodmayes, Ilford
Essex, IG3 9UD

Tel: 020 8590 9220
Fax: 020 8599 5527

Hours of business
Monday to Friday 9am - 5.30pm

24 hour Criminal Defence
Service. Tel: 07590 046 639

DX 41910 Goodmayes
SRA OC337011

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